Thursday, April 1, 2010


Actually i am angry all the time, not really a big deal. URGH some people are justttttt soooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooo annoyingggggggggggggg. Espeacially those ppl that likes to use ppl. Ok, fine, lets make it clear, if u need a ride i have no problem fetching u only if know one or two things about social boundary. Do u know what's social boundary dumbass? ONE, dun invite ppl to ur stupid DATES just to get a free ride and ask them to follow u around until ur date is OVER. and during the date, dun freaking ask ppl to walk infront of u and dun look back so that u can have ur stupidddddd lovey dovey "PRIVACCCCYYYYYYYYY". TWO, if someone fetch u, plssssss freakinggggggggggg pay for the mother parkingggggggg ticketttttttttttttt ,i am not perticuliar to that to my other frens but just to that guy. THREE, dunnnnn freakkkkkingggg useeeeee me as a part of ur stupiddddddddddddddddd scheme to get ur ex-girlfren back. Ok let me tell u howwwwwww stupid his scheme is, he ask me to invite his grilfren (Which i am barely even close to) to go to the beach and expect her NOT TO KNOW IT'S FROM HIM. Are u motherparkinggggggg brain dead or sumthingggggggggg. MOTHERPARKERRRRRRRR. And FOURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. if u motherparking really motherparkingly need a ride, PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS DONTTTTTTTT LINGERRRRRRRRRRR AROUNDDDDDD WITHHHHHH URRRRRRRRR WORDSSSSSSSSSS GET TO THE MOTHERPARKING POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!! dun be like" heyyyyyy how u doinggggg, nice weather righttttttt" FIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dun freakingggggggggg lieeeee to meeeeeee just to lure me out to get a free ride, "Oh i am going back to KL on Friday, lets go out before Friday" and on Sunday, i stilllllllllllllll motherparking saw u in FREAKING PENANG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!