Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kick Ass movie review (if u r under 12 dun read this) The SH*T blog

I was thinking of going like, 'Kick Ass is a Kick Ass movie" for the title, but i tot that's kinda predictable and stupid. Basically this movie is sort of a more violent, funnier and more realistic side of becoming a superhero. Based on a comic book. The title is a little shocking that it is approved by Malaysian gov coz normally they change the name or shit like that like Hellboy to Super Sapient crap. You would have guessed a movie with such title are probably very daring like in-your-face kinda shit, YUP, it is DEFINITELY in the daring in-ur-face kinda sh*t department. U have this 12 year old girl that uses the F-word, A-word, B-word, and some shit that i never even heard off and people being microwaved in an oven. No sh*t man. That guy's brain totally exploded. My fren's tot it was a children show bcoz of the poster, no man, u better not bring ur little sister to watch this or shit like that man, not cool, not cool. I aint gonna be all film-alogy mumbo jumbo for this movie review coz i aint know shit bout film-alogy crap. All i can say is, u gotta watch this one man. Dun look at the poster and go like "Eeeeee the super hero costumes look so lame..." *profane word* YOU MAN! You know no shit! Really applaud the unpredictable-ness of the story unlike any other superhero movies. Like goodness, look at Superman Returns, the whole movie is literally abt Superman fighting a giant piece of land. Like,"Oh no you dont u giant piece of land" and threw that piece of shit to space. Stupid shit.

Oh yea u got a problem with that u Superman shit hoarders, SHIT U! Oh, did i hear it right, did u say shit my mother?! Oh no you dont man. Dont u dare go to the shit-my-mother department. Not cool man i am gonna like shit on ur....pencil box. YEA UR PENCIL BOX u aint gonna find ur 2b pencil in there now can u SHIT HEAD. Oh yea ?! Oh yea?! Oh no you dont! Oh no you dont! Ok.Stop.

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