Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gurney Graffiti Competition

URGH!!! Everytime i heard the titled i am gonna get pissed again, i was supposed to join it but "somebody" took me out of the group coz i am not "graphic DEZZZZIGNERRRRRRRRRR" enough haha well kinda forgave and forgotten coz the person has did good to me,oh well, oh well. Really wan to congratulate my fren Eddie and Kaho for oh well, for being themselves ("Themselves" meaning winning evry freaking competition that ever existed haha) Well, a little exaggerated, they got 3rd place. The following are pictures of sum of the entries. More at!/photo.php?pid=3888548&id=770472371&fbid=388196122371 First pic is Kaho and Eddie's, second is Elyas and John's (like the bubble creature thingy on the bottom), third is Khalid's (like the detail on the bottom, the top is kinda weird for me la, for me only la) and the rest are sum that i tot was nice. The 4th one is the 1st price winner and the 5th is the second price winner, the 6th is Kuma kuma and ex-wife Divvy's and the last one, i thought was pretty nice, wonder why he did not win.


  1. its khaliq la weih... not khalid... kemon... friend me how long d... thats y ure not DEZINGGGGERRRRRR enough.. LOL.. i got post also.. but not funny... this is a funny version

  2. Foots...The last one right, it's done by one of my friend. They actually thought of being in the top 3 but got chili's instead.
