Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Podium!

I am so glad that the podium i designed is finally made with the help of my lecturer Fahmi (the one in black suit). Tho supposedly to look like ice crystals now they look like a bunch of wood contraption put together to make a podium. Before this i proposed that the material used for this podium is invisible tempered glass with sharp edges so that it looks like ice crystals but was turn down due to Feng Shui purposes and also safety. Fahmi also said the key point in designing a podium is that the podium shud hide the speaker's "cock and pussy" (forgive me for the foul-ness of my language) so that it will increase the speaker's confident when speaking to a large crowd. I dunno bout u, but shouldnt it be the other way round. A man's pride is....nevermind. I am pretty happy with my podium my pride.

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