Friday, April 16, 2010

DotA Through A Blonde's Point of View

Dota is like a game which u have to like play... with ur mouse which is like pretty fun coz it's like ...playing The Sims but not The Sims. At the start of the game u suppose to choose this display pictures? i think, and i always choose this ice blasting chick coz like she's the only pretty one. The rest is either old, have purple skin or UGLY like omgutt look at Bounty Hunter, somebody kill that ugly thing. Then u have to like buy clothes and accessories for them like earing, slippers, shoes, war helmets (eww) and like mask which i still dun get it, coz when i buy plainwalker's cloak or whatever crap, she is still wearing the same blue hoodie, what a total scam. Moving on, u kind of like click ur character and like move it around LIKE The Sims, accept u cant socialize with other creatures which is kinda boring coz u can only kill them. The creatures in Dota totally have like mental issues or sumthing coz like...they r not very nice. I met this like, really ugly guy, like what-his-name Roshan or sumthing. I just wanted to say "hi" and it totally blast me dead. SO NOT COOL like whats wrong with u. That guy has issues. Then there is this chicken, which my fren bought for me, like...whats wrong with that guy, it keep following me around, like omgutt it's like obsess with me or sumthing. The game is sooo boring that i purposely kill my own character by hugging the tower, but IT KEEPS COMING BACK TO MY LIFE. Like omgutt, totally obsess with me. Well since i got nothing to do, i asked my fren whether theres anything i could do for their team, (The following is base on a true story) they told me to stay in the base and DONT COME OUT. and called me "FEEDER" whatever crap that means must be a compliment.

1 comment:

  1. Foots...Can I like this post? Hahaha...You want them to change their cloak? You play WoW. They have it there. So much cooler than DotA but that game is like drug. Btw...I spot some spelling errors but I think you did it on purpose to look like a Blondie.
