Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Clash of Titans Review thru a dumb blonde's point of view (not me)

Clash of Titan is the sequel to Avatar. It is like about this guy from Avatar, i dunno whats his name, and like this other guy, like really ugly and old and like totally evil. What-his-name guy must have like totally ditch that blue Navi chick and migrated from pandora coz pandora is like full of trees and crap.So boring. Moving on, he like went into this world with gay flying horses and half naked guys, like omgutt put on a shirt coz their abs are like totally weird and not proportionate. And then he like suppose to kill sumthing???? i am not to sure coz Avatar guy was like wearing a skirt which is like very distracting coz like guys with skirt are major turn off. And then he went to fight with some snake b*tch and like totally chop her head off and he decided to carry that snakey head around,some weird fetish thing he has, like ewww, avatar guy is so weird. And then they went to the top of Empire State Building to meet up with Zeus and crap coz like Zeus totally tot he stole the lightning joystick, like so not, his like totally cute and innocent like c'mon he wont do that, wait that's Percy Jackson. Ok, where are we? ok, got like this really like ugly monster, like omgutt sumbody kill that thing already,hurts my eye. after he kill that ugly motherparker creature. He kiss and like totally make out with this chick.The End. What i learn from this movie is that like guys shouldnt wear skirts no matter how hot u are. Like yea i noe u r from Avatar that skirt still dun look good on u. Like totally trying too hard. Not workinngggggggg. Like totally. Overall it was a great movie coz i dunno what the crap is happening.


  1. hahahahahahahhaha Avatar guy pakai skirt hahahahahaha dam cool man i like this 10/10 XD

  2. I like the way foots is being a Blondie.

  3. oh my god~ didnt know he wear skirt.. im like uhh... so turn off... girlfriend~~(in a blondish way)
