Thursday, April 22, 2010

Review for Kaiji, The Gambling King a Japanese word..........which suppose to mean something, i dunno, but in this case it's the name of the main character of this movie. This movie is about a really rich guy, who is really fat, and really bad, who wants to build his own kingdom under the grounds of Japan. In order to do so, he revised a game that scammed a lot of people into working to build this "kingdom" of his by withholding them by the terms of their debts. (GOSH, the bad guys in this movie is soooooooo evil u feel like shoving a watermelon up their anus, u noe wat, not just a watermelon, something BIG and LONG and has thorns on it that rotates and vibrates, "YEA WHAT NOW?! U RICH B*STARDS") Kaiji is one of the poor souls who got scammed. In order to get out of this hell hole, they need to participate in a live-or-death game where if they win, they get their well earned freedom but if they loose, they either die or have to work in the same hell hole for 130 years, which is....equivalent to dieing. Sounds like an anime? IT IS! Checked! ;-b
I personally enjoyed the movie coz i tot it was a mix of Yu Gi Oh and the gambling god but if you're not into anime and thinks Bleach is ONLY a washing detergent, then this movie is probably not for u. I personally enjoyed the part where they play the live-or-death game. I love to see how they use their wits to overcome the system which is meant for them to lose. The only few problems i had with the movie is the long conversations they have in the middle of the game much like Yu Gi Oh. Like there was this one game, the time is already running out and this guy can stand up in the middle of the gaming table and starts talking. To top it all off, u noe how Naruto characters like to explain their powers to their enemies, same thing goes on here where Kaiji explains what he just did to the enemies, STEP by STEP."U R ALREADY RUNNING OUT OF TIME!" Then again it is revised from an anime what do u expect. . If u r a BIG anime fan, u probably enjoy this because u could understand the whole anime ideology in it but if u r not much of an anime fan or thinks eating raw fish is weird, u probably thinks it is weird and lame. I personally like it very much, tot it was brilliant.

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