Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dragons 3D with Lyas and family

How To Train Dragon 3d is like so 3d coz stuff just pop out like,"Omgutt, spilled my coke" So much fun. That picture above is the main character of the movie, Toothless. Oh well had a great time with Elyas and his brother and his sister-in-law who thinks we both are gay. I mean, we just shared popcorns. Zzzzzzzzzz Almost cant get the ticket for this movie coz Elyas bro bought it before hand for them. So when i got to the counter, put on my pathetic please-help-me face, and asked, "I know it's sold out but is there at least ONE ticket" She said no but as we r leaving she said wait, the uncollected reservation will be canceled in 1 minute. YES! My pathetic face worked. So we waited at the counter for 1 minute and chat with ticket lady, yea, weird but she's nice, God bless her. She said," They din buy tickets for u ah, so sad ah" yeaaaaaaaa. After that me and Lyas shared to buy popcorns. After buying the popcorn, we realized we r sitting in different seats. Now, now, how do we share the popcorns. But it must be a God-sent stroke of luck that the only empty seat in the WHOLE cinema is beside me. Thank God, have to go to church more now.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!! omg. so funny . but wao your lucky =] thats cool
