Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Went to the bargain shop/tent beside Porthay high school with Elyas, u know? That scary one that nobody dares to walk in. I hesitated a bit but we walked in anyway, i mean, what's the worst that could happen, we got Bargain-ed to death? We walk in it in hopes of a cheap deal. Well, you got the "cheap" part alright. Biker jacket, rm69.90 Not bad. It's actually quite fun and the stuff there ain't too bad. I mean if u dun mind shopping in Pragin Mall sorta thing. I DONT! *Refer the title of this post* There are a lot of weird stuff in it that is rarely found in local shops. This are the highlights of the interesting ones.
I sure know where i am gonna be shopping next Halloween.
S&M clothing, YES, those are panties with chains.
I dunno why this dress just makes me laugh, like ALL the time. I have a feeling the 70's never left.


  1. this is not pasar malam.. this is kedai siam right~ pasar malam is way~~~ cooler

  2. weiii nice.......izit near the vetinary der??i want to go...looks fun...a place to buy costume!!

  3. Yea yea opposite the vet can say opposite saint Nicholos to fanaticon
