Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Whatever Happened to Gogo Power Rangers!

Remember the days where we sold our parents for Power Rangers. Yeaaaa, those days. Power Ranger are such a phenomena when i was 5. Who knew a bunch of people wearing tight costumes are appealing to kids. In the first episode, Zordon said, "The world is in trouble, Alpha, bring me 5 teenagers with attitude" or some crap like that. 5 teenagers with ATTITUDE??!! Why???? Thinking back, Power Ranger is actually quite racist. Yea sure, Yellow Ranger is a Chinese and Black ranger is a black guy.
I always like pink and yellow ranger, shhhhhh dont tell anyone, coz their costumes are pretty unique. I remember it vividly that in a few episode the actress for Pink Ranger was replaced but still everyone in the show still calls her Kimberly, yea sure, kids are dumb but not that dumb to know that it was a different actress. Sadly to tell u guys, that the actress for yellow ranger Thuy Trang passed away on September 11, yes, THAT terrorist attack September 11, no wonder we didn't hear the news as it is covered by a bigger one. May God give peace to her soul.
As for what happened to red ranger, i think the picture kinda explained everything.

Remember that big talking head , Zordon, yea i always called it the BIG talking head, yea i was dumb, i was 5 okkkkkkkkkk.
And that Alpha 5, me and my kindergarten fren always called it Aiyaya coz that's wat he always say.

Remember at one time they changed the actors of red, yellow and black ranger and the BIG talking head teleports them away. I tot he killed them, by zapping them to death. OMGuttt imagine the trauma i had,"YOU STUPID BIG TALKING HEAD, BRING BACK JASONNN, BRING BACK JASONNNNNNNNNN" must be because of some racist issue. Anyway i am looking to purchase the toy of the first Megazord, u know, that big giant robot, anyone of u have it? if u have pls contact me.


  1. lol, i did have megazord where u can join all together and disband it again. but sudah buang.. long ago. spoilt. sorry lol
