Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Anime use to be about robots, ninjas and laser guns, now it's all about a bunch of pretty boys gay-ing each other

This is a submission i did for the Anime story telling contest. It's called Graffiti Hero. First of all, noooooo my character is not gayyyyy, i noe he is wearing a scarf doesnt mean he is gayyyy haha such a racist statement to say that ppl who wear scarf are automatically gay. I really hope i can win this Oh God pls pls pls. Really frustrated, some other contestants keep rating lowly for my submission, "lowly" as in ridiculously unfairly low like LOW with capital letters, causing the rating to drop. Ollorrr need meh? Fair fight mahhhh zzzzzzz Well pls read it at http://animeme.klik.tv/?p=479, if u like it pls vote for me. Oh goodness i sound like those pretentious American Idol contestants.

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