Saturday, April 24, 2010

^^Y old post from Friendster blog.

i CANT STAND TAIWANESE POP STAR!!!…especially male ones…..first of all they all have like similiar hair cut and you cant really distinguish them from another….and they are PRETTY BOYS!!!!!…and there was this Taiwanese so called "ROCK band" which clearly sing pop songs….and they are like acting like rockstars with the chains and the skull stuff on their chess and hold their guitar, wear like lala…guess what, in their music video, they start dancing like sissy girls….and their songs are of total rip off from one of No Doubts song and they sing as though is theirs….GERAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNYA….i have to bear with it coz my sis likes them…but sumtimes they are just soooooooo annoying that i just love to sit down and watch their annoyingmess…..and in their interview they are like (cute voice with a peace hand sign)"Pls buy my new album oooooo my new song is very cool ooooo enjoy oooooooo" TAK TAHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN….but for some weird reason i still like to watch em…i guess i just love being piss off….i will never understand their culture…i guess i just too "banana" to understand…..worst of all their culture is like terrorising teenagers these days…all over frenster u can c ppl with shoutouts like "i am cute and like to talk, pls add me ooooooo" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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