Monday, April 12, 2010

The Lie-ing fren by the name of "T". This is a conversation i had with him, pls comment whether he is lie-ing or not. One year younger than me.

t says:
nothing la
Foots @ home says:
pls dun missunderstood wat i say and get angry for nuthing
t says:
realy nothing i busy work d
Foots @ home says:
good no more sgtudy ah
ts says:
got jz work part time
is my uncle company ma
Foots @ home says:
u say u study in kl?
dunno u la
always change one
t says:
i study nw break in the sam a so ma work lo not like others ok i work hard nw is for the sake of my duture
Foots @ home says:
funny i tot u had ur sembreak last last week and u told me wan go out wit me coz u need to go back on friday
wow u SURE have alot of sem breaks haha
t says:
hey is already 2 weeks
Foots @ home says:
what a great college
t says:
i took SAM nt full course ok
Foots @ home says:
i tot u took it in disted last time
still taing?
oh well i tot u r in kl thats y din invite u to grafiti competition
and to m ybday
t says:
lol study few time to earn mor cert is to get more money from company ok
Foots @ home says:
earning 2 sam certs is abit unwise lo
y u need two spm cert for?
same as 2 sam cert
t says:
i took spm and O-lvl in the same year
my uncle is paying every single cent
Foots @ home says:
get one sam cert enough...dun waste uncle's money get 2...u go job interview u need one nia
2 sam cert doesnt make u a super man
t says:
and nw work is to wait my result if AUS wan me
Foots @ home says:
if u wan aus to take u ur rsults need to be very high
i have alot of frens in sam
t says:
ok one is for my spm result tht like jz ok and the other one is Perfect ok
thts why i took and retake and try my best in to AUS
Foots @ home says:
oh u retake izzit say la...ok la all the best
which u are u again?
t says:
nw is waiting so nt sure muy uncle find for me
he jz wan me to take over all his company
Foots @ home says:
as now...where r u taking ur sam
"he jz wan me to take over all his company " i dont beliv that....try better next time
t says:
lol he wn me to take la so wht is my property nw cause i knw my mind is nt like u guys nw my mind is oni fill with money and business ok
Foots @ home says:
righttttttttttt and lies
good,,,coz business man are good liars...u have a bright future
t says:
u wan say wht u say i dun care cause people will think u are jz jelouse with wht i hv
Foots @ home says:
seriously... I AM NEVER jealous of u
ur statement makes me laugh
t says:
ya rite salesman is the liars and boss is nt
Foots @ home says:
i am sick and tired of u lieing ALL the time
t says:
ya rite
the old t u knw is over and is childish and oni wn to be as good as u but no more. i work out is better to start my own business and earn my bunch of money
Foots @ home says: be honest i do hope the story u told me is TRUE....coz i wan u to have a good life...
just T... y do u always do this to urself?
t says:
i talk money, i work for money, and my life is controling the money nt other people
Foots @ home says:
u r good the way u r...u DUN hvae to lie
u got so many talents
u noe y i think u r lieing...coz last time u say u have a cousin in LONDON want to give u all their restaurant to u...i was happy for u...but i realised...u were lieing and I WAS very very dissapointed
if u wan to be successful...u cannot lie thru it ok just want to tell u tat
make sure ur success shine brighter than ur words
t says:
yes the resturan they work them self i dun wan cause i knw resturan cant make glob world business ok
Foots @ home says:
a successful person doesnt have to tell the world he is successful...ppl can see tat themselves
t says:
no i told is i wan my product is over the world
Foots @ home says:
but frm u...all i hear is stories...but never see the reall success
soooo until the day u r a sucessful business man. and i can see ur name in newpaprs...then only we talk business ok
t says:
i been far from u some time to learn my right
wait too long is ok i dun mind cause nw i publish my product as penny stock and is nearly world is working for me
Foots @ home says:
do u n oe when u lie...ppl noes
i gonna post what u said in facebook and I HOPE u will see the response frm ppl
t says:
do so
i nw hiring people work for me
Foots @ home says:
T seriously...y do u still ie
this lies are unnecessary
t says:
try check out hw big is penny stock nw
Foots @ home says:
dun answer to me...answer to urself...are u lieing?
t says:
pls check la
Foots @ home says:
yes...but it's not urs
t says:
nope i nt
Foots @ home says:
answer to urself
t says:
is nt my but is a partner work ok
u try to think hw many account i can do a dy
Foots @ home says:
so r u studying sam or are u doing business?>
t says:
Foots @ home says:
seriously man...if u r that big....if i search ur name on google,....u shud already appear on first page
i feel sorry for u
to be honest i hope ur story are reall
t says:
ok try search my worker name
Foots @ home says:
no i wan SEARCH ur name
why woudl i search ur worker name
T says:
Foots @ home says:
i can tell u i work for Lady Gaga...pls go find Lady Gagag
ofcoz i can find her...
watabout u
T says:
i nv show my id nw
Foots @ home says:
between u and me...lets not talk business
T says:
thts why u dun mix with me long time
nw i tell u all my fren nw i work as wht u dun knw
Foots @ home says:
pls stop lieing...u lieing to me and urself
pls do noe that those emails could be viruses
T says:
oh ya try one thing i give u go to
and try login as
if can i tell u no lies
lunch time
Foots @ home says:

T says:
no is my worker all will use my pasword
Foots @ home says:
i bet u r just a normal worker...and u tell ppl then u r the boss
my guttt
all the best in life la
good luck
T says:
ur rite my uncle is the boss so i nw work for him and control the company
Foots @ home says:
pls do noe that i am the only fren brave enuff to be honest to u abt ur lieing habits
T says:
and who is the boss??
Foots @ home says:
the rest are talking behind ur back
T says:
no nt u oni i have my child hood fren tht change me more than u does to me
Foots @ home said (1:14 PM):
u r still the same


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ohhhh shit is this guy for real !!!!!!!!!!!

    he talk CRAP like there is no TOMORROW man!!!!!!!!!

    if he can crap like that

    i can also be the son of MJ man

    how bout this i am actually CICAKman

    yo T i bet u have watched to much movies and it has a very very ULTRA OMEGA side effect on u man

    pls go jumpa a doctor man

    to foots PLS BLOCK this dude i cant stand u facing this mountain of lies man

    XD ^^

  3. lol be extra gentle...he is quite fragile

  4. hahahahaha, well its so long.. but can see lying lo. lol abit la not much. but somehow i also have these kinds of friends. so i don't have the energy to bother them also d. lol =]

  5. hahaha honestly...tat guy can be successful....a very great actor. must be very pro at lying coz he can crap out another story to cover up so fast. talk about impromptu.

  6. The only thing that I find interesting are those emails. All of it are XXX...emails that are registered to a pornographic sites perhaps? But I'm not sure. This conversation is not epic enough. From a scale of 1-10. I will give a rating of 4. Closed to even but not closed enough.

  7. lepak lah bro...
    dont angry foots...

  8. JOHN, pls noe the XXX is to censor off the real email so that not innocent pedestrians get involved

  9. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA seriouslyyyy how many years dy that T still lie this way? From high school till now never changed one bit... why laaa u didn't just block and delete? =X Next time you see him on the streets sell durian ask him what happened to his company =X

  10. wat the..haha... maybe it's true..hahahaa
