Saturday, May 1, 2010

IRON MAN 2 Review. Is it just me or does Iron Man flies like a sissy girl?

Iron Man 2 is about a guy wrapped in tin foil,VERY expensive "tin foil" that everyone wants to get a piece of.The enemy wants it for the whole revenge mumbo jumbo thingy,the world wants it because they r obsess with Tony Stark,and the military wants it coz,well,coz that's just what they do,they WANT stuff.Movie was good, popcorn was good, friends was good, I enjoyed the movie. Though many people would complain that the amount of action dun measure up to their expectation in comparison with Iron Man One, literally cars were exploding and flying evrywhere in an interval of evry 5 minutes. I do agree. The amount of action is a little below expectation. Oh, dont tell me the lack of action is to make way for "Moral-full inspirational" persoalanan-persoalanan hidup plot developement. Let's face it, this is Iron Man, there is nothing "moral-full inspirational" about it. Lindsay Lohan movies probably has more moral-full inspirations. If i want persoalanan-persoalanan hidup, i watch Forest Gump. Iron man falls into the Transfomey-G.I.Joe-y-Crash-Boom-Bang-Senseless-Action movie. Normally not a big fan but if i am watching a Transfomey-G.I.Joe-y-Crash-Boom-Bang-Senseless-Action movie, i better be seeing a Transfomey-G.I.Joe-y-Crash-Boom-Bang-Senseless-Action movie. The thing is almost half the movie (after the bad guy's first defeat) he is preparing and preparing AND preparing to fight Iron Man again. And when they finally fight, it only lasted like, me grabbing the popcorn 3 times. But the fights in this movie was cool, especially the "duet" fights with Warmachine and the bad guy, Whiplash, totally have that whip thing going on. Just a little too short other than that it's perfect. Robert Downey Jr has good acting skills and like really big eyes, like really BIG eyes i thought it was the moon. RDJ is totally perfect to be Iron man because he brought a comedic sense to the movie. A lot of Marvel superheroes movie now KEEP putting little little scenes to hint that the Avengers movie is coming out,"OK OK we get it, Avengers is coming out next yearrr! Gawd!!" In this movie, they showed Captain America's shield and the appearance of Nick Fury and Black Widow. Pretty cool, anyway, good movie, but Dark Knight still pawns, my advice, watch this without TOO high of an expectation,i mean do expect something just not TOO high. In a non-related topic, me and Elyas was talking during the Ironman/ Warhammer "duet" fight. If I was Ironman and Elyas was Warhammer, we will be like, "Elyas, bro, bro, look at me blowing off the robots, damn turn ON wei" Elyas: "Super on la bro, wah look at how the robot head explode wei, damn turn ON wei"

P.S is it just me or does Ironman flies like a sissy girl?


  1. i like the part where v fight hahahha

    wah dam gailer la bro they tembak api wei they too gayness de hahahahha

  2. Memang turn on la bro...sumore whip whip
