Saturday, January 22, 2011

5 minute movie reviews

Gulliver Travel is about a fat guy who gotten even bigger

Rapunzel is about magical pubic hair.

Tron is a cure for people with sleeping problem. Coz it was boring anyone would fall asleep.

Lelio Popo is about Singaporeans who like to dress up as old women. Singaporeans these days~

Little Fockers is about old people using viagra.

My Soul To Take is about people killing emo kids. Bashing them to death "Emo sumore la! Emo sumore la!"

Tourist is about Johnny Depp.

Due Date is about that iron man actor in another movie.

Harry Potter 7 is about boys with magical sticks. And at the end, the bad guy got a bigger stronger stick.

Thats all the movies i watched i think. If i dun rmb it , its probably too sucky to be reviewed anyways.