Friday, March 26, 2010

Top 10 possible excuse for being late in Malaysia

10: Sorry sir i am late, some big shot Dato' need to stop traffic to go buy groceries.
9:Sorry i am late, some police men need to drink coffee today.(Police road blocks)
8:Sorry i am late, there were some drunk Indians dancing in the middle of the street.No.... i am not joking.
7.Sorry i am late, there are alot of Malaysian drivers blocking my way. (lousy drivers)
6"Sorry i am late, i had no choice but to stop my car and laugh,"
" WHY?"
"I saw a proton Saga Limousine version."
5. Sorry i am late, a Chingay Festival flag fell on my car.
4: Sorry i am late, there were cows in middle of the road. Again, no...i am not joking.
3.Sorry i am late, my watch is made in Malaysia
2.Sorry i am late, some Mat Rempit flew into the river. I just have to stop my car and watch that.
NO. 1. Sorry I am late,I am a MALAYSIAN.

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