Friday, March 26, 2010

Life at 20

Second post of the day, BRAVO!(for not doing assignments and writing stupid crap) I dont want to leave a blog with just one post, doesn't motivate me to blog the next time around. It's funny that i only introduce myself on my second post. Absolutely nothing to do with low self esteem or what so ever. Hate it when people assume the cause of ur problems and put it in a mumbo jumbo medical term. Thanks for helping but no thanks.Life at 20. I always wondered what i would be like when i am an adult when i was a kid, always pictured myself in Neo's long black trench coat from the Matrix and i dont really know why. Must be very appealing to me when i was a kid, now i just think it's stupid for wearing black and such a thick clothing on a hot climate country. Stupid "young" Foo Tong. Now i just aspire to be a designer who wears a long trench in NEW YORK always holding a flask filled with Starbucks coffee and has a zesty attitude. MMMM ZESTY. Well i am close to that accept i dont have starbucks on my hand all the time and i dont wear trench coat in New York. But to be honest, i dont really think of myself as an adult nor do i believe i am (absolute nothing to do with my low self esteem or immaturity you MEDICAL PEOPLE!) I just felt like time went by really fast, like really really FAST. Felt like yesterday i just came into high school with an obsession with Pokemon.But one thing that changed in me is that i had been more bitter towards life and people and i nolonger had hope to strife for perfection. I have learned the nature of people and by the looks at it, i am very dissapointed and confused. If u read back my old blog post, u could see a vast difference from the person i am now and the person i was before. As in my faith with God, it's nolonger that strong, i have doubts now. Sad. Do miss the good old days. Anyways, here's a picture of me "now". I chose the best picture of course.

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