Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A song that i am writing. lalala

It's kinda a waste coz u are sort of funny and kinda cute,
but we come to realise we r just each other substitute,
I love the way u effortlessly nevertheless tickle my funny bone,
coz whe ur around i no longer feel that i'm alone,
i think
i like you
i think i like you
my instinct is telling me to stay where my heart belong
but my mind is telling me that i am doing something wrong
coz u r looking for a fling but i'm looking for sumthing serious
I'll put some effort to be close but nothing over the obvious
i think
i like you
i think i like you
i like the way that u pretend that u dun mind
i could only wish u continue to respond in kind
we best enjoy each other before things start to complicate
we'll live the rest of our lives in the hand of almighty fate
i think
i like you

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