Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lol found more crap from my friendster blog, what i thought of people when i first came into the college

Elyas!!!!!!!!!! he is like my indian muslim bro or sumthing, we share the same locker which is totally cool (he suggested it), i trust Indians, coz they are the only race with the whole brotherly thing, u hurt one of them u hurt all of them, i can totally trust him to leap out and take a bullet for me lol

Luis!!!! i wasnt close to him last time but now we r like…telling each other our crush…and like pervertive jokes…..super!..and his driving…u totally need to hold that handle thing on top of the door.

Azlin!!!!! she’s one cool lady, totally can talk to, friendly and charming, and very lively as well. Class is less boring and less kiasu with her around.

Gan!!! Gani gani gun gun…cool guy…very funny ..totally love his jokes…if u mix with him u will propably think chinese educated people are like so much more funnier then we bananas

Cody!!!!!!!! i just love making fun of Malaccans, not sure why, but like JUST love to make fun of Mallacans. Cody responses. U poke him he make noises. Fun!

John!!!!!!!! Barli!!!!!!!!! thats all i need to summarise John lol

Zon!!!!! so artistic!!!!! geramnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! i like so totally wan to steal his artwork and make it mine.

Ka Ho!!!! very handsome, cant walk beside him when going to the canteen coz he pretty much steals all the attention, i like his dance.

Andrew!!!!!!!!! quiet guy…he is nice

One Way!!!!!! hahahha reminds me of Hagu from Honey and Clover…petit and cute..Gan always call her “siou mei mei” “cant find ur mummy ah?” shes a guitar sifu >bows

Doreen!!!!!!!!! Luis is like totally want to make it look as if i am in love with her, Luis haih… she calls me “wuliao”(lame)…but still she lends me tracing paper lol

Ming Tien!!!!!! i like to talk ghost stories with her!!!!

Koh Su Qi!!!! thanks for the pin!!!!! remember our group study yea!!!

Yuiko!!!! Anime Girl!!!! acts like an anime girl and lively.


Jo!!! i love her accent!!! and i like to ask her bout Jakarta!

Angelina!!!!!!!! she bullies me T.T but she is nice, she gave me a plaster. 2 plasters to be exact

Jen Ying!!! she made me pin my hair to school!!!!!! she always wear black..wonders~

Su Ting or Yen Ting!!! so sorry i forgot ur name!!! i was told she talks like me..hmmm wonders

Carmen!!! very friendly, she’s nice, her boyfren is nice and friendly too.Memang secocok.

Benjamin!!! hmmm not really that close to him but i look forward to know him more

Ish!!! At first when i ask what’s his name he was like, “call me ish” i was like “what?! Komunis?!” so embaressing. He is very enigmatic. Rarely comes to class.Rarely talks. But his art is nice tho.

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